Logos Institute Research Seminar

Semester 2 2024-2025

The weekly seminar takes place 3:30-5pm, on Fridays in the Senior Common Room, St Marys College.

7 Feb 2025: Dr Jessica Eastwood (Oxford-Brookes), “A Minimalist Approach to Transcendence: A Humane Philosophy of Religion.”

14 Feb 2025: Prof Oliver Crisp (St Andrews), “Christ and the Sting of Death.”

21 Feb 2025: Dr Harvey Cawdron (St Andrews), “Parting the Waters? Dissociative Identity Disorder and Baptism.”

28 Feb 2025: Prof Ben Myers (Alphacrucis University College, Australia), “Bulletins from Immortality: God in the Poetry of Emily Dickinson.”


14 Mar 2025: Dr James Eglinton (Edinburgh), “Isidore of Seville and the Invention of Sacred Languages.”

21 Mar 2025: Rev Dr Robin Parry (Worcester Cathedral and Wipf & Stock Publisher) “The Wisdom of Eco-Theology: The Centrality of Philosophia in Eco-Spirituality.”

28 Mar 2025: Prof George Corbett (St Andrews), “Rival Versions of Dante: Pierre Mandonnet, Hans Urs von Balthasar, and Competing Theologies of Beauty.”

4 Apr 2025: Prof Fiona Ellis (Nottingham), TBD.



25 April 2025: Dr Mara van der Lugt (St Andrews), “Hopeful Pessimism.”

Semester 1 2024-2025

20 Sep 2024: Rev Dr Dominic Legge, O.P., ‘The Mind of Christ’ (Dominican House of Studies, Washington, D.C.) 

4 Oct 2024: Rev Prof Oli-Pekka Vainio (Helsinki) ‘Fighting the Long Defeat: Christianity and Tragedy’ SENATE ROOM

11 Oct 2024: Prof John Haldane (St Andrews) ‘Anscombe on Philosophical and Natural Theology: Some Puzzles’ 

18 Oct 2024: Dr Benjamin Doolittle (Yale) ‘Cancer and Christology’ 


1 Nov 2024: Dr Danielle Jansen (St Andrews) ‘Varieties of Penal Substitution’ 

8 Nov 2024: Dr Jared Michelson (St Andrews) ‘God’s Body and Anselmian Omnipresence: Classical Theism and Hebrew Bible Scholarship’ SENATE ROOM

15 Nov 2024: Prof David Moffitt (St Andrews) ‘Ongoing Intercession and Covenant Maintenance: A Similar Logic in Hebrews and Romans?’

22 Nov 2024: NO SEMINAR; AAR/SBL

29 Nov 2024: Dr Patrick Greenough (St Andrews) ‘Meaning Change and Theological Paradox’ 

6 Dec 2024: Rev Canon Prof Simon Oliver (Durham) 

Semester 2 2023-2024

19 Jan 2024: Prof Oliver Crisp (St Andrews) The Ambitions of Theology.

26 Jan 2024Dr Andrew Everhart (LST), ‘Naming the Enemy, Needing the Enemy: Particularity and Social Identity in Christ.’

02 Feb 2024: Revd Dr Harriet Harris (Edinburgh), Prayer and the Thinking Environment.’


16 Feb 2024: Dr Tasia Scrutton (Leeds) ‘Psychopathology and religious experience: either-or, or both-and?’

23 Feb 2024: Dr Nomi Pritz-Bennett (St Andrews) Not Made Gods: Sin, Finitude, and the Construction of Eschatological Personhood.


8 Mar 2024Dr King-Ho Leung (St Andrews) ‘The One—Beginning and End.’

15 Mar 2024: Dr Andrew Torrance (St Andrews), ‘Theology and the Nature of Progress’.

22 Mar 2024: Dr Joshua Cockayne (Durham), ‘The Jesus Prayer, Anxiety, and the Second Person Perspective.


5 Apr 2024: Dr Daniel Hill, (Liverpool) ‘Does God Intend that Sin Occur? We Affirm.’

12 Apr 2024: Dr Jonathan Lett, (LeTourneau) ‘Plasticity or Instability? Theorizing the Order of Biological Human Nature.’

Semester 1 2023-2024

15 Sep 2023: Prof Oliver Crisp (St Andrews) “Christ the Fulfilment of Creation” 

22 Sep 2023: Prof Bill Wood (Oxford) Sin as Self-Deception and God as Truth

29 Sep 2023: Dr Matt Sharp (St Andrews) “Did Paul Believe in a Transcendent God?” 

6 Oct 2023: Dr Aaron Cotnoir (St Andrews) “Omnipresence: Mereology and Simplicity” 

13 Oct 2023: Dr Jonathan Hill (Exeter) “‘That we might follow in his footsteps: Christ, temptation, and Pelagianism


27 Oct 2023: Dr Joshua Sijuwade (LST)  “On the Metaphysics of the Incarnation

3 Nov 2023: Prof Greg Restall (St Andrews) “Finitude, Eternity, Love, The Good & Martin HägglundThis Life” 

10 Nov 2023: Prof Gavin D’Costa (Bristol & Rome) “Ecclesiology: Why Jewish Catholicism is essential to the nature of the Catholic Church”

17 Nov 2023: Prof Oliver Crisp (St Andrews) “The Insufficiency of Scripture” 

24 Nov 2023: Rev Dr Jared Michelson (St Andrews) “Is Divine Simplicity Biblical? A Fresh Argument on Behalf of a Traditional Doctrine” 

1 Dec 2023: Dr Joanna Leidenhag (Leeds)  “Glossolalia and Analytic Philosophy of Language” 

Semester 2 2022-2023

This semester, the research seminar will begin with three sessions (following an afternoon introduction) discussing Prof. Judith Wolfe’s Hulsean Lectures, recently delivered at the University of Cambridge. Subsequent weeks will feature home and guest speakers, who will present their work and open it for discussion. The seminar will be held jointly with the Logos Institute.

The weekly seminar will take place as follows:

11.30-12.45pm Joint Theology & Logos Seminar in the St Mary’s Senior Common Room

Seminars will be in person and will not be live-streamed.

All are also warmly invited to some college-wide events taking place before and after the seminar:

11-11.20am Morning Prayer in St Mary’s College Hall (open to all who would like to attend)

1-1.45pm Bring-your-own lunch in the Senior Common Room (coffee, tea, water and biscuits provided)

If you are not on the Theology Research Seminar list or the Logos Seminar list, and would like to receive reminders and texts, please email the seminar assistant, Lee Wakeman, at [email protected].

Discussing the 2022 Hulsean Lectures: The Theological Imagination (with Prof Judith Wolfe)

13 Jan 2023, 3.30pm (Friday): Introducing the Hulsean Lectures (Lecture 1)

18 Jan: Lecture 2 (responses by Euan Grant and Oliver O’Donovan)

25 Jan:  Lectures 3 (responses by Gavin Hopps and George Pattison)

1 Feb:  Lectures 4-5 (responses by Andrew Torrance and Trevor Hart)


8 Feb: Rev Dr Jared Michelson (Cornerstone Church)

15 Feb: Dr Dafydd Daniel (St Andrews)

22 Feb: Dr Lucy Peppiatt (Westminster Theological Centre)


8 Mar: Dr Matthew Puffer (Valparaiso University) “The Development of Augustine’s Doctrine of the Image of God”

15 Mar: Dr N. Gray Sutanto (Reformed Theological Seminary, Washington, D.C.)

22 Mar: Rev Dr Olli-Pekka Vainio (University of Helsinki) “The Problem of Certainty of Faith, or Why Christians Must be Fallibilists”

29 Mar: NO SEMINAR (the Atonement Matters day conference meets in St Mary’s on 31 Mar instead)

Semester 1 2022-2023

“A Theological Turn: 
Readings in Systematic Theology of the Late Twentieth Century” 

This semester, the research seminar will be held jointly with Systematic and Historical Theology, and will take the form of a reading group on the work of a circle of theologians active in the 1990’s at the Research Institute for Systematic Theology (RIST) in London, which was founded by Christoph Schwöbel with Colin Gunton, and attended by many who later joined St Mary’s College, including Alan Torrance, John Webster, and Steve Holmes.

The turn towards systematic theology spearheaded by RIST therefore forms an important part of our own heritage, and important context for the work of Christoph Schwöbel, our late 1643 Chair in Divinity, for whom we are also holding a memorial conference at the European Academy of Religion conference in St Andrews on 22-23 June 2023.

Each week, we will read two essays from among the circle of theologians around Schwöbel and Gunton, taken in each case from one of the collections they edited of their joint conferences and seminars. The reading will comprise c. forty pages per week, and will be distributed in advance of each session.

The weekly schedule will be as follows:

11-11.20am Morning Prayer in St Mary’s College Hall (open to all who would like to attend)

11.30-12.45pm Seminar in the Senate Room (please come prepared to discuss the week’s texts)

1-1.45pm Bring-your-own lunch in the Senior Common Room (coffee, tea, water, and biscuits provided)

Seminars will be in person and will not be live-streamed.

If you are not on the Theology Research Seminar list or the Logos Seminar list, and would like to receive reminders and texts, please email the seminar assistant Christian Kalmbach at ck236.

The texts will be taken from the following collections (exact chapters to be selected by chairs a week before each session):

Week 1 – 14 Sept: Introduction to the ‘systematic turn’ at RIST (Dr Steve Holmes)

Week 2 – 21 Sept: from Persons, Divine and Human (chaired by Euan Grant) 

Week 3 – 28 Sept: from Trinitarian Theology Today (chaired by King-Ho Leung)

Week 4 – 5 Oct: from God and Freedom (chaired by Katrin Bosse) 

Week 5 – 12 Oct: from The Doctrine of Creation (chaired by Oliver Crisp)

Week 6 – 19 Oct: no seminar for ILW 

Week 7 – 26 Oct: from The Doctrine of God and Theological Ethics (chaired by Dafydd Daniel) 

Week 8 – 2 Nov: from The Theology of Reconciliation (chaired by Andrew Torrance) 

Week 9 – 9 Nov: from Act and Being (chaired by King-Ho Leung)

Week 10 – 16 Nov: from The Person of Christ (chaired by Judith Wolfe)

Semester 2 (2021-2022)


26- Prof. Oliver Crisp (St Andrews), “Meta-Theology”

2- Prof. Judith Wolfe (St Andrews), “Towards an Eschatological Imagination”

9- Prof. Phil Ziegler (Aberdeen), “On the Present Possibility of Sola Scriptura”

16- Dr Euan Grant (St Andrews), “The Significance of the Natural Desire Debate”

23- Independent Learning Week (No Research Seminar)

2- *Prof. Ingolf Dalferth (Claremont), “Finitude and Responsibility: The Challenge of Being Human in the Age of Technology”

9- *Dr King-Ho Leung (St Andrews), “In principio erat Verbum: Exchanging Word and Being”

16- *Prof. Paul Nimmo (Aberdeen), “The Alien Holiness of the Church”

23- Prof. Crina Gschwandtner (Fordham), “Distinguishing Ways of Living Religion: A Case for Phenomenology?”

30- *Prof. Tom McCall (Asbury), “Is Sin ‘The Cosmic Terrorist?’ Reconsidering Sin as Personal Agent”


6- no seminar

13- *Prof. Thomas Schärtl (Munich), “Revelation and Encountering God

20- *Prof. Thomas Pfau (Duke), “Literature & Theology, 1700-present”

Semester 1 (2021-2022)

September 17 – Joanna Leidenhag, University of Leeds “A Panpsychist-Traducianist Account of the Origin of the Soul” ONLINE

September 24 Meghan Page, Loyola University, Maryland “Analytic Science-Engaged Theology”

October 1 – C Stephen Evans, Baylor University/University of St Andrews, “Could a Divine Command Theory of Moral Obligation Justify Horrible Acts?  (with some reflections on Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling)”

October 8 – Robyn Boere, University of St Andrews “On Lies, Children, and Philosophy of Language” 

October 15 – Jonathan Hill, University of Exeter The Metaphysics of Metatron: Becoming Atemporal

October 22 – Reading Week, No Seminar

October 29 – Oliver Crisp, University of St Andrews “Faith and Baptismal Regeneration” 

November 5 – Judith Wolfe, University of St Andrews, “Theology and the Question of Progress”

November 12Andrew Torrance,On Why a Slave is not Accountable to a Master” 

November 19AAR/SBL, No Seminar

Semester 2 (2020-2021)

February 5: Eleonore Stump (Saint Louis University), ‘The Problem of Mourning’

February 12: Preston Hill & Dan Sartor (Richmont Graduate University), ‘Attachment Theory and the Cry of Dereliction’

February 26: Teresa Morgan (University of Oxford), ‘The New Testament and the Theology of Trust’

March 5: Philip Clayton (Claremont School of Theology), ‘Why Talk of Spirits is both Indispensable and Incomprehensible: A Puzzle in Theology and Evolution’

March 12: C Stephen Evans (Baylor University), ‘Voluntarism, Divine Command Theory, and Accountability to God’

March 19: Anna Marmodoro (University of Durham), ‘Divine Simplicity and Power’

March 26: Susan Eastman (Duke Divinity School), ‘Communication, Agency, and the Relational Self in ASD and the Letters of Paul’

April 9: Tom McCall (Asbury University), ‘What’s Not to Love? Rethinking Appeals to Tradition in Contemporary Discussions of Trinitarian Theology’ 

April 16: Mike Rea (University of Notre Dame), ‘Worship, Love, and Self-Annihilation’

April 23: Jc Beall (University of Notre Dame), ‘Identifying the “Logical” Problem of the Trinity’

April 30: Sarah Coakley (University of Cambridge), ‘”Apophaticism” and why is it Important?  An Analytic Theological Approach’

May 7: Robert MacSwain (University of the South), ‘Human Holiness as Divine Evidence: The Hagiological Argument for the Existence of God’

May 21: Linda Trinkaus Zagzebski (University of Oklahoma), ‘Intersubjectivity: Human and Divine’

Semester 1 (2020-2021)

September 18: TJ Lang (University of St Andrews), ‘Cosmology and Eschatology in Paul’

September 25: Oliver Crisp (University of St Andrews), ‘Eucharistic Presence: A Reformed Proposal’

October 2: Justin Duff (University of St Andrews), ‘Ritual Impurity and Disease: Reflections on Biblical “Analogies” in the Era of COVID’

October 9: Joshua Cockayne (University of St Andrews), ‘One Body: The Church as the Socially Extended Body of Christ’

October 16: Matthew Joss (University of St Andrews), ‘Inference to Best Explanation and Interpretation: the case of John 20:8’

October 30: Andrew Torrance (University of St Andrews), ‘A Conjunctive Explanation of Christian Faith’

November 6: Sarah Lane Ritchie (University of Edinburgh), ‘Divine Action and the Human Mind: A Discussion’

November 13: Joanna Leidenhag (University of St Andrews), ‘Autism, Liturgy and the Human Person before God’

November 20: Robyn Boeré (University of St Andrews), ‘Why Bother Talking to Them? Children and Meaningful Experience in the Medical Context’

November 27: Emilie Krenn-Grosvenor  (University of St Andrews), ‘Listening to the Theologal Mariology of the Missionaries of Charity of Kolkata’

Semester 2 (2019-2020)
Logos Seminars for Semester 2 have been cancelled.
We look to resume meeting in September 2020. 

February 21 (Parliament Hall at 4pm): Logos International Lecture:  Murray Rae, ‘“Behold, I am making all things new.” Resurrection and New Creation’

February 28: Alan Torrance, ‘Does the Bible have any bearing on our understanding of God? An invitation to discussion’

March 6: Andrew Torrance, ‘Covenant Identity’

March 10: C Stephen Evans, ‘Transcendent Accountability:  Are Human Persons Accountable for Their Lives as a Whole?’ 

March 17 :  Robert Audi, ‘Love, Forgiveness, and Friendship: Toward an Understanding of the Second Love Commandment’

March 25: Matthew Benton, ‘Knowing Persons, Knowing God’

March 27: Melissa Tan, ‘The Positive Role of Shame in Phil 3:4-11’

April 8: Thomas McCall, TBD

April 10:  Lydia Lee, ‘Reading Figural Tropes in Revelation’

April 17: Robert MacSwain, ‘Human Holiness as Divine Evidence: The Hagiological Argument for the Existence of God.’

April 24:  Michael Rea, ‘Hopeful Universalism’

May 1: Jonathan Hill, ‘Incarnation, time, and the mind: the psychology of a timeless God incarnate’

May 4 (Cancelled): Pauline Dogmatics Day Conference with Douglas Campbell

May 8: J Brian Pitts, ‘What Does Reichenbach-Schurz Meta-induction Justify:  Induction, or Maybe Something Else?’

May 15:  Joanna Leidenhag, ‘Demarcating Deification and the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit in Reformed Theology’

May 22: Preston Hill, ‘Penal Substitution and the Problem of Christus Odium’

Semester 1 (2019-2020)

September 20: Hud Hudson, ‘An Optimistic Pessimism.’

September 25 (Wednesday, 4pm): John de Gruchy, ‘A Life-changing Conversation: Doing theology in dialogue with Bonhoeffer’

September 27:  (Logia) Karen Kiefer, ‘Incarnation as Improvisation?  Divine Attributes of Solidarity & Receptivity.’  

October 4: National Lecture: Bill Wood, ‘A Theology of Analytic Reason.’

October 11:  Dru Johnson, ‘Mapping Hebraic Philosophy across Story, Law, and Poetry.’

October 18: Justin Duff, ‘The Oil of Gladness and Priestly Investiture in the Epistle to the Hebrews.’

October 25: (Logia) Elizabeth Shively, ‘Action, Cognition, and Discourse: The Benefit of Applying a Multi-dimensional Model to Gospel Genre’

November 1: Mitch Mallary, ‘Karl Barth vs. N. T. Wright: On Jesus, History, and Revelation’

November 8: C Stephen Evans, ‘Does Darwall’s Morality of Accountability Require Moral Realism? (And Would It Be Strengthened by Adding God to the Story?)’

November 22: Kimberley Kroll & Joanna Leidenhag, ‘Self Revelation of the Holy Spirit and the Problem of Thirdness’.

November 29: (Logia) Christa McKirland, ‘Did Jesus Need the Spirit?,’ with response by Euan Grant.

December 6: Oliver Crisp, ‘The Moral Exemplarism and Atonement.’

Semester 2 (2018-2019)

February 8:  Stephanie Nordby, ‘We Worship What We Know: The Religious Experiences of the Early High Christology Movement’

February 15:  Andrew Torrance, ‘The Paradox of Faith’

February 22: (Logia) Faith Pawl, ‘Animal Awareness of the Divine’

March 1:  Mark Murphy: ‘Three Frameworks for Divine Action: Morality, Love, and Holiness’

March 8: Tim Pawl, ‘A Doctrine of Divine Simplicity’

March 15: Bruce Ellis Benson, ‘The Rich Aroma of Forgiveness without the Danger: On Faux Forgiving’

March 29: Kevin Nordby, ‘Common Sense Epistemology, Religious Experience, and Skeptical Theism’

April 5: (Logia) Fanos Tsegaye, ‘Ad Christo: Antecedents of Ethiopic Liturgical Prayers’

April 12:  Christoph Schwöbel, ‘Contentious Foundations: Another Look at the Relationship of Revelation and Reason’

April  17 (4pm):  Tom McCall,  ‘The Identity of the Son and the Freedom of God: Analytic Christology and Theological Interpretation of Scripture’.

April 26: Joshua Cockayne & Gideon Salter, ‘Collective Remembering and Liturgical Time Travel

May 3:  C. Stephen Evans, ‘A Defence of Accountability as a Virtue’

May 7:  Peter van Inwagen, ‘Enjoying God’

May 10: (Logia)  Ryan Mullins, ‘Linda Zagzebski’s Omnisubjectivity and the Problem of Creepy Divine Emotions’

May 17: Daniel Spencer, ‘Genesis 2–3 and the Fall: A Tentative Rereading’

May 22: Jc Beall, ‘The Contradictory Christ’

May 24: Yujin Nagasawa, ‘The Problem of Evil for Atheists’

May 31: (Logia) Caron Gentry, ‘The Tension between Hope and Privilege’

June 14: David Efird, ‘The Bible’s Blind Spot: On Interpreting Morally Problematic Passages of the Bible’

June 19 (10.00-11.30): Oliver Crisp, ‘Contemporary Challenges to Systematic Theology’

June 21: Michael Rea, ‘Worship, Protest, and the Deformation of Prayer’

Semester 1 (2018-2019)

September 21: (LOGIA) – Alison Duncan Kerr, “Anthropopathism, God, and Affective Science”

September 28: Max Baker-Hytch, “Theology, Epistemology, and the Historical Jesus”

October 5: (LOGIA) – Christa McKirland, “Need Without Lack: A Helpful Analytic Concept for Theological Anthropology”

October 12: Dennis Bray, “Richard of St. Victor’s Argument for the Trinity from Love

October 19: C. Stephen Evans, “Autonomy as a Virtue and a Vice”

October 25 (Thursday at 7PM): Marc Cortez, Title TBD

October 26: Oliver Crisp, “Two Pictures of God”

November 2: (LOGIA) – Koert Verhagen, “Becoming a Disciple of the Counter Logos: Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Confrontational Christology and the Other”

November 9: Justin Duff, “To Be Made like Us in Every Respect”: Weakness and Christology in the Epistle to the Hebrews

November 23: Jeremy Rios, ‘The Cosmological Self, the Modern Self, and the Reading of Scripture (Conceptions of self-identity, East and West)’

November 30: (LOGIA) – Jonathan Rutledge, ‘Analyzing the Muddles of Analysis: What Analytic Theologians Can Learn From the History of Analytic Feminism’

December 7: Thomas McCall, Title TBD

Semester 2 (2017-2018)

8 February: (LOGIA Launch Month): Amy Peeler: ‘Gracious Power of the Father: God Revealed in the Story of Mary (Luke 2:21–52)’

15 February: Kathryn Tanner: ‘Nothing but the Present’

22 February: Alison Duncan Kerr: ‘Anthropopathism, God, and Affective Science’

8 March: John Walton: ‘A Worldview without “Nature” ’

15 March: Darren Sarisky: ‘Biblical Interpretation and Analytic Reflection’

22 March: Bruce Benson: ‘How to Avoid Apologizing’

29 March (LOGIA): Sarah Lane Ritchie: ‘Religious habit, human agency, and embodied belief: faith  formation in neurobiological and theological context’

5 April: Kevin Diller: ‘Participation Views of the Atonement’

12 April: Taylor Telford: ‘Is the Gospel Good News? – The Doctrine of Election and the Euangellion’

19 April: René van Woudenberg: ‘Reading as a Source of Knowledge’  

26 April (LOGIA): Kimberley Kroll: ‘Indwelling without an indwelling Holy Spirit: A response to Ray Yeo’

3 May: John Nagle: ‘The Role of Christian Theology in Environmental Law’

10 May: (LOGIA): Joanna Leidenhag: ‘Does Panpsychism invite theism? Panpsychism in Historical Theology, and Contemporary Philosophy’

17 May: Doug Campbell: TBD

31 May: Peter van Inwagen: ‘Hell’

7 June: Mike Rea: ‘The Ill-Made Knight and the Stain on the Soul’

14 June: Oliver Crisp: ‘The Trinity and Mystery’

21 June: Edward Meadors: ‘Isaiah, John, and the Gospels’ Parody of the Roman Road System: Imperial Theology Revisited’

28 June (LOGIA): Graydon Cress: ‘The Trinity is Not Our Gender Program’

Semester 1 (2017-2018)

21 September: Aaron Cotnoir: “Mutual Indwelling”

28 September: TJ Lang: “The Order of Christian Theology: Literal and Ecclesial Senses of the  New Testament”

5 October: Oliver Crisp: “Theosis and Participation”

12 October: Joshua Cockayne: “‘We-Thou: Liturgical worship as a collective act”

19 October: N.T. Wright: “The End of the World? Modern Confusions about Eschatology and Apocalyptic and their Theological Results”

26 October: Bill Tooman: “Translation: Remarks on the Disciplines and Responsibilities of the Study of Ancient Jewish Literature”

2 November: C. Stephen Evans: “Christology and Kenosis: A Case Study in Methodology for Analytical Theology”

9 November: Madhavi Nevader: “What’s YHWH Got to Do with it? What’s YHWH but a Second Hand Emotion”

14 November (TUESDAY): Dru Johnson: “Christian Philosophy and Analytic Theology as Biblically Sensitive Enterprises”

30 November: Phil Ziegler: “Bonhoeffer’s Evangelization of the Doctrine of God”

5 December (TUESDAY): Thomas Simpson, “John’s Epistemology of Testimony”

19 December (TUESDAY): Christa McKirland: “Embodiment, Edwards, and Knowledge” (a collaborative paper by Christa L. McKirland, Jason McMartin, and Timothy H. Pickavance).

Semester 1 (2016-2017)

5 October: C. Stephen Evans, “Kierkegaard on Faith, Doubt and Uncertainty.”

13 October: Christa McKirland, “The Image of God and Intersex Persons.”

27 October: Kimberley Kroll,  “Is Rationality Uniquely Intra-Personal or must Uniqueness Constrain Inter-Personal Rationality? An overview of Thomas Kelly’s Total Evidence View and the need for revision.”

3 November: Oliver Crisp, “Methodological Issues in Approaching the Atonement.”

10 November: Tim Mulgan, “Ananthropocentric Purposivism.”

24 November: Jonathan Rutledge, “Philosophical Arminianism.”

1 December: Sarah Broadie, “Classical Theism and Petitionary Prayer.”

6 December: Lydia Schumacher, “Theological Philosophy: Rethinking the Rationality of the Christian Faith.”

Semester 2 (2016-2017)

9 February: Dr. David Moffitt, “Serving in the Tabernacle in Heaven: Sacred Space, Jesus’s High-Priestly Sacrifice, and Hebrews’ Analogical Theology.”

16 February: Prof. Richard Bauckham, “Divine Identity Christology in the Gospel of Mark.”

23 February: Dr. David Moffitt, “Wilderness Identity and Pentateuchal Narrative: Distinguishing between Jesus’ Inauguration and Maintenance of the New Covenant in Hebrews.”

2 March: Dr. Elizabeth Shively, “The σῶμα and the Transformation of Persons in the Letter to the Romans.”

9 March: Prof. N.T. Wright, “Son of Man—Lord Also of the Temple?”

23 March: Dr Alexander Arnold, title tbc.

spencer-bentleydscf9465St Mary’s College, Photo credit: ©Spencer Bentley