Preston Hill


Knoxville, TN (USA)



M.Litt. Analytic and Exegetical Theology, University of St Andrews

B.A. Bible and Theology, Moody Bible Institute


Thesis Topic

I am researching Christ’s descent to hell in the theology of John Calvin. Next to no literature exists on this topic despite an early and consistent interpretation by Calvin across his various writings. Through the eyes of this sixteenth century Genevan pastor a fresh understanding of Christ’s descent to hell emerges which can clarify its abiding significance for Christian living and self-understanding. Because Christ endured all of hell’s terrors believers may be assured that God is their Father, not an angry Judge. This has far-reaching implications for a theological retrieval that addresses a salient terror of the contemporary world: trauma. By Christ’s descent into our dread of death and destruction, he can lead us into his peace with the Father.


Other Interests

I am also interested in the intersection of psychology and theology, trauma studies, Balthasar, Moltmann, the Trinity and Holy Saturday, T. F. Torrance, Bonhoeffer’s Letters and Papers (a frequent companion!), and any other theologies of suffering. I am also interested in healing and recovery for survivors of sexual abuse.